Sunday, December 2, 2012

Homecoming Corsage for Squid

Well, just when I thought Homecoming was over, the day before the dance my daughter decides that she is going to the dance with a group of girlfriends. Come to find out she had already bought a dress and everything! After inspection and her agreeing to wear a cover up over the strapless dress, I approved.

Great. Now I had spent so much effort on making sure Momo had a corsage ordered for his girlfriend, the tux, the "limo", and so forth I felt guilty that Squid wasn't going to get the same treatment (although she gave me no warning). It was too late to order a corsage so off to Joann's I went. In the wedding section I found a wrist garter that I turned into the base of a corsage. From there I added artifical roses and ribbons that matched her shoes. I finished in the knick of time and surprised her with it. I actually think this turned out better than the ones we bought that end up dying a few days later. She loved it and now has a keep sake too!



Sub Sandwiches for Momo- A Week's Worth At A Time

I think my son could live on Subway for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well at least $5 each is not an option on this budget. Instead, I take a little time on Sunday afternoons to make a whole week's worth and freeze them at a fraction of the cost.

Sam's Club has a "sub kit" that has a varity of meats in it for less than $8 which makes about 24 sandwiches. I buy sliced cheese there too and then seperate them into zip lock bags in the fridge. I wouldn't recommend freezing sliced cheese because it falls apart, but I do freeze shredded cheese. I buy the sub rolls at HEB for about $2 a dozen. I also keep little cups with lids on hand for sauce. You can get these just about anywhere. My son likes the spicy mayonaise so I fill a week's worth up and keep them in the fridge too. The night before school, he sets a sandwich out to thaw. In the morning, he grabs the sandwich and a cup with the sauce in it. At lunch time he just puts them together. He loves them and it's alot cheaper than buying school lunch or Subway everyday. The cost comes out to be about 65 cents each.

Just put everything in an assembly line, double wrap with celephane and freeze. I don't put any sauce on them before freezing to avoid the "lunch box soggy affect". These don't get soggy at all.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving- Airplanes and Crockpot Mashed Potatoes

Oh my goodness! I knew that I had taken a little break, but didnt realize it has been nearly a month since I have been here. I have alot of catching up to do, so bear with me...

My parents flew into Houston for Thanksgiving last week. Yes- my parents. We shamed my Dad into getting on an airplane because my sister bought him a ticket. I would have to say for a guy that hates Texas, he had a great time and enjoyed the warm weather. Why does he hate Texas? Well, he was stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia during the vietnam years. The weather was hot, humid, and full of bugs. Texas is close to Georgia, right? That was how long ago? Yeah. Similar reason why he doesn't ride in airplanes. He rode in planes then too. (military planes)...

Well, the day they flew back it was 81 degrees here and 31 in Idaho. I called him this morning for his birthday and he has caught a cold. He answered the phone with a "froggy throat". The price of being in better climate I guess. At least there were no bugs this time of year.

I hosted Thanksgiving dinner and my sister will host Christmas dinner. Great compromise I thought. She actually came up with a good idea that worked well on Thanksgiving. (yes I am acknowledging a great idea from my sister!). The stove is always busy on a holiday, so I made crockpot mashed potatoes.

Simple really.

Just peel and cut up your potatoes just like you would for the stove. Place them in the crockpot with butter, water, salt and pepper. Let cook on low, watching the water level just enough to keep the potatoes from drying out until it's time to whip them up.

Drain water, add milk, more butter if desired, and whip right in the crock and serve.

Worked out excellent...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Punk Rock Princess Tutu

My daughter enjoyed making this tutu for her little girl for Halloween. She made it by tying strips of tulle to a waistband made from elastic. The t-shirt was decorated with jewels and "punk" iron-on letters. She wore it over bright green leggings and topped it off with the 80's beads and pink sneakers. It was really cute!


OL Dinner- Super Mac n' Cheese

How much Macaroni and Cheese do you make for an Offensive Line?

Just make this recipe times 14 !!!

Thanks, Aunt Sissy for this recipe. It was a hit...

Super Mac n' Cheese
(6 servings)
  • 2 cups uncooked macaroni
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 6 cups boiling water
  • 3 Tbsp margarine, melted
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
  • Paprika
  1. Cook macaroni and onion in boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain through colander.
  2. In large saucepan combine margarine, flour and salt and pepper, stirring until bubbly. Gradually stir in 3/4 cup sour cream and 1 1/4 cups milk, stirring constantly until thickened. remove from heat and stir in 1 1/2 cups cheese. Add macaroni and onion.
  3. Turn into medium casserole dish. Spread remaining sour cream and remaining cheese over top. Sprinkle with paprika.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.

OL Dinner- Ham & Swiss Sliders Won Hands Down

The Offensive Line Dinner menu included Ham & Swiss Sliders. They were definitely a hit with the guys. We made 100 sliders and only had about 8 left. However those didn't last long either. After the football game the next night, one of the players told Momo he was having a craving for more of those sliders. He asked if there were any left and if so, he would be over right after the game to pick some up. Now, Friday night lights aren't over until around midnight and this kid lives on the other side of The Woodlands!

With a sharpie marker I put the heating instructions on the lid of an aluminum pan and left the care package with 8 sliders in it at the front door with the porch light on. Not long after, here came headlights, and the package disappeared into the night...

Here is the recipe for a normal size group:

Ham and Swiss Sliders:
  • 24 white dinner rolls
  • 24 pieces honey ham
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/3 cup miracle whip
Poppy Seed Sauce:
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon minced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


In a small bowl, mix together mayonnaise and miracle whip. Spread onto both sides of the center of each roll. Place a slice of ham and a slice of Swiss inside of each roll. Close rolls and place them into a large baking dish or heavy cookie sheet very close together.

In a medium bowl, whisk together all of the poppy seed sauce ingredients. Pour evenly over all the sandwiches. You do not have to use all of the sauce. Just use enough to cover the tops. let sit 10 minutes or until butter sets slightly. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees fro 12-16 minutes or until cheese is melted. Uncover and cook for 2 additional minutes or until tops are slightly brown and crispy. Serve warm.

*Sandwiches can be assembled ahead of time and refrigerated until ready to bake.

OL Dinner- "The Wall" Rice Krispie Treat Cake

It was our turn to feed the Offensive Line this week for Group Dinner- 18 kids at least 6' 2" tall and 280 pounds each. They call themselves "The Wall" so I needed to incorporate that into the event somehow.

I took two days off work to prepare for this one. I asked Momo what he wanted on the menu so we made a list and went to work. Wednesday I went to Sam's Club, Wal Mart, and HEB to get everything I needed. I was proud of myself when I knew the plan was coming together. Then I just about killed him when he came home that evening and went into a total panic because he didn't think I bought enough food, "Mom, do you realize these guys like to eat?!" I told him to trust me and then I started to build "The Wall" for the cake.

I first made a simple batch of Rice Krispie treats from Coco Krispies to get the right color, placed them in the refrigerator so they weren't gooey to work with, and then used my pastry cutter to cut the sheet into "bricks". I used white frosting mortar and built a wall and stood it using small dowels. The guys loved it!


After I constructed the cake, then Momo wanted to know where all the treats were. After I told him that I was just making some to build the wall with, he informed me that the team was really looking forward to the treats because he told them that I was making them for dessert! Ughhh.. Off to making 3 more trays ...

Coco Krispie Treat Recipe:
  • 1/4 cup margarine
  • 4 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 5 cups Coco Krispies
  1. Melt margarine in large sauce pan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted and well-blended. Cook 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  2. Add cereal. Stir until well coated.
  3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly and firmly in buttered 13 x 9 inch pan. Cut into 2 x 2 inch squares when cool.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wedding Invitation Ornament

I couldn't wait to post this one but had to keep it a secret until I gave it as a gift. I wanted to come up with something sentimental and homemade. Its rare when a guy would appreciate it, but I knew Seth would. I am so happy for him and his bride-to-be.

With the wedding invitation he sent me, I sliced it into thin strips, and filled a glass ornament with the pieces. I added a simple design on the outside with glued on crystals and topped it off with ribbons, silver bells, and a charm.

I wrapped it in a nice solid gift box with a lid, and filled it with shredded paper. It will save nicely so it can be brought out and put on the Christmas tree year after year.


Last Mum Of The Season. Best One Yet!

Well the first Mum I started this year ended up to be the last one. After spending all afternoon at the Texas Renaissance Festival this weekend, we ended the day with the big reveal. Momo's girlfriend Samantha loved it. Her Homecoming dance is this Saturday. Can't wait to see the kids all dressed up!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Easy Hair Accessories

A hot glue gun, cute buttons, and some hair pins and you have an easy hair accessory project. My grandaughter and I had some great bonding time this afternoon. I glued and she picked out the buttons she wanted to use. In no time at all we had a brand new batch of hair "pretties" for her to wear.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Life is One "Mum" after Another

Holy Cow! I have had enough of the Texas Homecoming Mums already. Still one more to go for Momo' s girlfriend. Target date October 20th. This is the one that my sister and I worked on for my nephew's date. I swear she had to have gone to the Chiropractor the next day! All turned out well and the dance was a success..


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crockpot Mac n'Cheese- Best Potluck Item Ever

Doing a Tailgating theme potluck at work today. Put it on in my office at 9am and done by noon. Perfect..

4 cups milk
2 cans evaporated milk
2 eggs
Wisk, then add:
28 oz velveeta cheese, cubed
1 1/2 bags 16 oz. elbow macaroni (uncooked)

Cook on low in crockpot for 2-3 hours, stiring occasionally.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Topiary Centerpiece

This cute topiary was made by my sister. She made one for each of the tables at a bridal shower. I brought this one to work and have it on my desk. I have had tons of compliments!

It is bright and cheerful and stands about 18 inches tall. They can be made with any theme just by changing the ribbons or colors. Each ribbon is made into a loop and attached with a straight pin to a Styrofoam ball. The ball is attached to a wooden dowel and glued into a flower pot. Paint and decorate to your taste.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asking A Girl To Homecoming with a Brick?

After a lot of encouragement my 16 year old nephew finally got the nerve to ask a girl to Homecoming. But, then he was horrified when she gave him a “verbal” agreement to go to Homecoming with him, and she would wait for his “special way of asking” before her official answer.
Now the pressure really started. The poor kid was a wreck. That’s when his Mom and I had to join the mission. I am happy to say that after a trip to Home Depot, Kroger, and an after-dark knock and drop at her front door, the mission was accomplished…

With the help of Momo’s muscles the boys delivered a big cinder block with the word “NO” glued to it, a small paving brick with the word “YES” glued to it, a bouquet of flowers, and a tub of Rocky Road ice-cream at her door. Attached to the flowers was a note that read,
“On the path to Homecoming… Don’t “block” progress. Hoping your answer will “pave” the way…
Bring your answer to Seminary in the morning."

I received word this morning that she brought the paving brick to him with the word “YES”.

Now for Mum-making lessons. His Homecoming is in 2 weeks!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

12-Loop Homecoming Ribbon

I am one step closer to completing "the Mum"... Here is the 12 loop Homecoming Ribbon ready to add in to the final product.

Two kinds of ribbon, one bigger than the other
for a 36" loop with 12 loops about 4 yards of the wider ribbon and about 3 yards of the narrower ribbon.
for an 18" loop with 12 loops it would be half.

First cut the ribbon. You will want 1 whole yard of the wider ribbon. This one will be your base. Then cut 12 - 7" strips of the wider ribbon and 12 - 7" strips of the narrow ribbon.

Put one piece of the narrower ribbon on top of the wider ribbon and fold them over end to end and line them up. Staple in place. Make all 12 of the loops.

Take the 1 yard ribbon and start at the bottom. Put the bottom one where you want it and staple each loop on each side at the top working your way up as you cover the previous staples.

Add letters and other decorations as you see fit. Have fun..


Easy School Art Display

Now that the kid's are back in school there are the endless school art pages that demand attention. My grandaughter brings home a handful of keepsakes everyday. What to do? Instead of using the ol' magnet on the refrigerator trick, just use a slacks hanger to quickly insert the art for display and rotate them as often as you like. This is one that I made for my husband's desk at work, but a few could be arranged in a grouping on any wall and decorated accordingly. I used my all time favorite decorating supply- rafia. Or as my husband calls it- "Rafiki". I had to inform him that Rafiki comes from Lion King and rafia comes from Hobby Lobby.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Removing Iron-On Transfers When Something Unexpected Happens

Perhaps you spent all night creating a couple wonderful T-shirts to support your local football team and placed an iron-on number on  them. Suppose that number has changed “somehow” and you now need to change that number from a “9” to a “6”. You can remove an iron-on transfer from clothes using the paper, peel-off, or direct method and reapply a new number.  
'Nuff said...

Iron-on-Paper Method
1.    Lay a blank piece of paper on an ironing board. The paper should be large enough to cover the iron-on transfer.
2.    Lay the piece of clothing on the paper. The iron-on transfer should be face-down on the paper.
3.    Iron the back of the article. This may take up to five minutes.
4.    Check to see if the transfer is now on the paper.
Peel-Off Method
1.    Cover the iron-on transfer with a piece of a paper and reverse the material.
2.    Iron the back of the shirt (assuming the transfer is on the chest) for about 90 seconds or until you are sure that the transfer is extremely hot.
3.    Reverse the shirt and peel off the paper. The transfer should peel off with it.
Direct Method

1.     Wet the iron-on transfer and area around the transfer.

2.     Iron directly on the iron-on transfer in circular motions with no paper between.

3.  The transfer will begin to melt into little balls. Use a lint brush to pickup the balls of the transfer. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back To School- Quick Frozen Breakfast

Now that the kids are back in school, mornings are one big whirl. Momo's solution to morning hunger (and afternoon, and evening..) is the Chick-fil-A drive thru. But instead of applying for a 2nd job, I just take some time to prepare a week's worth of quick frozen breakfasts. The least they can do is set the microwave timer for 1.5 seconds. Wah.. Lah.. Breakfast is served.

I cook a batch of pancakes and put a short stack of 3 in a sandwich bag. The kids just pull out a bag and pop in the microwave.

When I am feeling generous like I did this evening, I make a huge batch of breakfast burritos, wrap them in celophane, and freeze.
2 lbs. breakfast sausage
2 doz. eggs
1 bag frozen O'Brien style potatoes (with onions, bell peppers)
shredded cheese to liking
50-60 taco size flour tortillas

Dryer Duct Cleaning

After having the appliance repairman out 2 different times to work on the dryer and $300 later, my sister soon discovered that the problem was low airflow from the dryer vent preventing the clothes from drying. Our personal "handymen" spent all morning Saturday tracing over 30+ feet of ductwork from the dryer vent to the outside of the house. There are 3 seperate 90 degree turns up a wall, across the ceiling, and down another wall before reaching the outside wall 12 feet from the ground. Along this path is where the previous homeowner stockpiled years worth of lint and other unidentified items which caused the problem. So now that the problem has been discovered, how do you think the handymen tacked the job? Well, the preferred method involved a ping-pong ball taped to 40 feet of twine, a few pennies added for weight, two different sizes of electrician's fish tape, a ladder with volunteers taking turns holding the bottom for stability, and a leaf blower. I have included demonstration video.  If you decide to use this method, please proceed at your own risk.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spirit Earrings from Foam Glitter Sheets

So how do you make a light weight earring that can be shaped into your favorite football team's logo? Well, on my Hobby Lobby trip this week I set out to find something I could use to accomplish the task. I found "Silly Winks" glitter sheets in the kids craft section for 99 cents each. They are 8 1/2" x 11" foam sheets that have glitter on one side. I traced "W"s the size that I wanted on the backside of the foam sheet, cut them out precisely with an exacto knife, and then hot glued them to earrings posts that I had on hand. The minute that my youngest daughter saw them she loved them. She immediately put them on and claimed the new fashion trend at school. She had a friend over who also wanted a pair, so I made her a pair too. I will definately be making more of these. Simple, fast, and fun!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Little Football Fans- Appliqued Spirit Shirts

Momo is playing in the big Skyline game this Saturday at Dallas Stadium. We have all purchased our spirit shirts and are ready to cheer him on.. except for the little girls. There wasn't any Woodlands attire small enough for them, so this evening I solved that problem with a new design of my own...

I traced the "W"'s from one of the adult sized shirts on to the backside of a piece of wonder under. I ironed it to the backside of some green fabric, cut the letters out of the green fabric, and then ironed them to the front side of the little shirts. I then machine appliqued them to the shirts, added some stars, glitter, and bling. Lastly, I added "Momo" to the backside of each shirt. He really got a kick out of that. Can't wait to present the little girls with their shirts tomorrow!

Monday, August 27, 2012

This Week's Sale Ads- Bling it Up!

This week Hobby Lobby has 50% off all Gemstones. They also have a 40% off coupon for one regular priced item. We have the big Dallas Skyline game this Saturday. I am planning on "blinging" up some flip flops and my new Woodlands football shirt. Go Highlanders!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Football Tickets and The Bike Trail

Today was the day to purchase our season tickets for our son's high school football games. We knew we were in trouble when we arrived at 10am to witness little kids carrying blankets and pillows. I realize this is Texas high school football but... there were people that had been camped out all night in the parking lot to get tickets. There were big screens powered by generators playing football movies like Remember The Titans and Friday Night Lights. There were tents! At approximately 2pm it was our turn. Yes- we did get tickets. My sister got tickets. But they sold out right after that. After 4 hours of standing in line I am just glad that I remembered my checkbook!

Now this was also the day that the guys had planned a bicycle ride "as a family". After work my husband and I changed our clothes and headed to the meeting spot. Anxious to begin our family bonding time we got on the trail... At about 8 miles in we were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for surviving to that point. We were on the uphill climb back to the truck when all of a sudden a gust of wind nearly blew us off the trail. We all looked up to realize that it was actually a much more "mature" woman almost 80 years old shouting orders for us to get out of her way! It wasn't long until she was completely out of sight. We got back to the truck, loaded our bikes, and decided that we were going to go eat some dinner..

The only DIY that I have to post today is this one...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aunt Sissy's Lasagna

This was the first night that the kitchen was "put together" enough to make a nice meal following the big move. My sister thought she would treat everyone to her famous lasagna in the new kitchen. We would arrive with the 5 of us at home in our family, the teenage boys would soon be home from football practices, and my oldest son from work. Anticipating the arrival of the human vacuum cleaners, she doubled the recipe. Prepared with 2 loaves of garlic cheese bread and a huge salad, there it sat awaiting it's imminent demise.

One at a time, the kids called...staying after football practice to eat at Jack in the Box with friends, had plans for dinner somewhere else, another decided to stay the night with a friend, and so forth. A wonderful meal, good company, and 3 large tupperware containers full of leftovers later... We have finally arrived back at the house.

Here is the recipe. Don't double it unless everyone has sent their R.S.V.P...

      ·      1 lb ground beef
·       4-5 Italian sausages
·       ¾ cup chopped onion
·       2 tablespoons salad or olive oil
·       1 can (1lb tomatoes)
·       2 cans (6 oz each) tomato paste
·       2 cups water
·       1 tablespoon chopped parsley
·       2 teaspoons salt
·       1 teaspoon sugar
·       1 teaspoon garlic powder
·       ½ teaspoon pepper
·       ½ teaspoon oregano leaves
·       ½ package (8 oz) lasagna noodles
·       16 ozs. Shredded mozzarella cheese
·       1 lb ricotta cheese
·       1 cup grated parmesan cheese

In a large pan, lightly brown beef and onion in oil. Add tomatoes, paste, water, parsley, salt, sugar, garlic powder, pepper, and oregano. Simmer uncovered; stirring occasionally, about 30 mins.
While sauce is simmering, cook sausage and cut into ½ inch pieces. Set aside.
Cook lasagna noodles as directed; drain.
In a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan, spread about 1 cup sauce. Then alternate layers of lasagna, sauce (with sausage pieces put on top also), ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese, ending with sauce, mozzarella, and parmesan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 mins until lightly browned and bubbling. Allow to stand for 15 mins; then cut in squares to serve.



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Texas Traditions- What The MUM?

Having 2 teenagers in High School is strange enough, but having them in Texas has been quite the education- for me. My crafting skills have been tested in ways I never imagined.

Football practice started this week, which means it's time to start thinking about "The Mum". For those of you living outside of the state I am sure this is a new one like it was for me. Actually, having lived in Utah for 8 years, I can't believe they have not adopted this one!

It's the homecoming mum, and it has come a long way since the corsage days. Evidentally there used to be a real chrysanthemum flower given by a boy to his date with a few ribbons on them. Today, they are huge Gypsy-like silk chrysanthemums decorated with ribbons, stuffed animals, bells, and any kind of "Texas bling" you can think of. Even LED lights! There are special braids as well. It is not good enough to just hang ribbons. No, you must also braid them in intrecate fashion. My son will not be spending the hundreds of dollars that some boys spend. That's where I come in...

 This is the mum given to my daughter last year by her date...

And this is the start of this year's mum for my son's date. This would be the Military Braid. Notice that it is customized with my son's Offensive position... Nothing but the best from this Mom.

There will definitely be more to come on this subject. Stay tuned...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to Texas!

This is an official 'Welcome to Texas' post for my sister!

We just spent the evening unloading the last of 3 loads brought from California to their new home. Her husband is officially in the running with the Clampetts for the best stacking design on a moving vehicle. The Beverly Hillbillies have nothing on him...1 Polaris Ranger, 1 Polaris Razor, 2 4-Wheelers, 4 motorcycles, 6 bicycles, 1 weedeater, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 jackstands, and 3 gas cans on flat bed trailer! Picture this...all being pulled by a motorhome packed with every item under the sun including the family cat and a caged parakeet.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings

Sundays are always a great time to have a nice down home meal that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside- and today was no exception. This is one of my family's favorites. Thought I would share...

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I use frozen)
1 tsp. chicken bouillon
2 cups baby carrots
2 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped
2 stalks celery, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can water
2 tsp parsley flakes
1 tsp poultry seasoning
Salt and Pepper
Dumpling Topping

Place chicken in crockpot. Add remaining ingredients except dumplings in order given. Cook on high 4-5 hours or low 7-8 hours. Cut chicken into smaller pieces . Prepare Dumpling Topping and spoon over chicken mixture. Tilt lid to vent steam and cook on high for 30 minutes or until dumplings are cooked in the center.

Dumpling Topping:
2 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp sugar
Cut in until course and crumbly:
1/2 cup butter
Add and stir until completely moist:
2/3 cup cold milk

Laundry Soap

I don't like laundry, but I love this laundry soap...I have been using it exclusively in our house for over a month. Everyone that walks through our backdoor (by the laundry room), asks what that good smell is. My oldest son is about the most critical of any laundry smell on his morning shower towel-and he loves it too. Not only does it smell good, but the clothes are nice and clean. Whites are white, and my HE washer hasn't had "that smell" either. I haven't even used additional laundry softener like I have always done. Having been a Tide/Downey person, I am shocked that I have stuck with this.

Give it a try...

Mix all ingredients well in a 5 gallon bucket and then just refill a smaller container for daily use. I use 1/4 cup for small loads and 1/2 cup for large loads, placing it directly in the drum of the washing machine before loading the clothes.

1- 4 lb. box Borax
1- 3 lb. 7 oz. box Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1- 3 lb. container Oxy-Clean
2- 14 oz. boxes of Zote soap flakes
1- 4 lb. box Arm and Hammer Baking soda
3- 28 oz  bottles Purex Crystals

*Yield- 168 loads ($.15/load compared to $.63 Tide/Downey)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Repurposed Window Wall Decoration

Repurposed this old window I found at a barn sale this summer. It was in pretty bad shape, but I saw it's potential! Sanded, painted, and added wooden flower boxes filled with an arrangement of spring flowers. Made a curtain on the back and topped it all off with a great family quote. I donated it to our annual Wade-Beale Family reunion this summer in Wimberly, TX as a raffle item. Can't wait for next year's 50th reunion!

Norris Family Tree Wall Hanging

This is the appliqued Family Tree I made for my brother Justin and his new wife Caitlin as a wedding gift this summer. It starts with their leaf at the bottom containing their birth dates and wedding date, with each leaf winding all the way to the top 11 generations back to Nicholas Norris and his wife Sarah Cox. They married in New Hamphire on 11/21/1663. Nicholas was the first Norris to immigrate to America in 1654 as a 14 year old stowaway. Since Justin is the last in this long line of Norris' I am hoping this will give him a hint...

This tree was constructed in the same manner as my other one. Each couple's information was embroidered on a rectangle piece of fabric, each leaf shape cut out around the names and dates, and then placed on the background with wonder under. The tree was drawn in around the leaves since they are the focal point. I added additional leaves, acorns, and the Norris banner to fill in the space and then machine appliqued everything in place. The final framed size is 30 1/4 x 44 1/4.

Justin and Caitlin showcased their Family Tree in the entrance to the church at their wedding.