Sunday, November 4, 2012

OL Dinner- "The Wall" Rice Krispie Treat Cake

It was our turn to feed the Offensive Line this week for Group Dinner- 18 kids at least 6' 2" tall and 280 pounds each. They call themselves "The Wall" so I needed to incorporate that into the event somehow.

I took two days off work to prepare for this one. I asked Momo what he wanted on the menu so we made a list and went to work. Wednesday I went to Sam's Club, Wal Mart, and HEB to get everything I needed. I was proud of myself when I knew the plan was coming together. Then I just about killed him when he came home that evening and went into a total panic because he didn't think I bought enough food, "Mom, do you realize these guys like to eat?!" I told him to trust me and then I started to build "The Wall" for the cake.

I first made a simple batch of Rice Krispie treats from Coco Krispies to get the right color, placed them in the refrigerator so they weren't gooey to work with, and then used my pastry cutter to cut the sheet into "bricks". I used white frosting mortar and built a wall and stood it using small dowels. The guys loved it!


After I constructed the cake, then Momo wanted to know where all the treats were. After I told him that I was just making some to build the wall with, he informed me that the team was really looking forward to the treats because he told them that I was making them for dessert! Ughhh.. Off to making 3 more trays ...

Coco Krispie Treat Recipe:
  • 1/4 cup margarine
  • 4 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 5 cups Coco Krispies
  1. Melt margarine in large sauce pan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted and well-blended. Cook 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  2. Add cereal. Stir until well coated.
  3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly and firmly in buttered 13 x 9 inch pan. Cut into 2 x 2 inch squares when cool.

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