Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving- Airplanes and Crockpot Mashed Potatoes

Oh my goodness! I knew that I had taken a little break, but didnt realize it has been nearly a month since I have been here. I have alot of catching up to do, so bear with me...

My parents flew into Houston for Thanksgiving last week. Yes- my parents. We shamed my Dad into getting on an airplane because my sister bought him a ticket. I would have to say for a guy that hates Texas, he had a great time and enjoyed the warm weather. Why does he hate Texas? Well, he was stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia during the vietnam years. The weather was hot, humid, and full of bugs. Texas is close to Georgia, right? That was how long ago? Yeah. Similar reason why he doesn't ride in airplanes. He rode in planes then too. (military planes)...

Well, the day they flew back it was 81 degrees here and 31 in Idaho. I called him this morning for his birthday and he has caught a cold. He answered the phone with a "froggy throat". The price of being in better climate I guess. At least there were no bugs this time of year.

I hosted Thanksgiving dinner and my sister will host Christmas dinner. Great compromise I thought. She actually came up with a good idea that worked well on Thanksgiving. (yes I am acknowledging a great idea from my sister!). The stove is always busy on a holiday, so I made crockpot mashed potatoes.

Simple really.

Just peel and cut up your potatoes just like you would for the stove. Place them in the crockpot with butter, water, salt and pepper. Let cook on low, watching the water level just enough to keep the potatoes from drying out until it's time to whip them up.

Drain water, add milk, more butter if desired, and whip right in the crock and serve.

Worked out excellent...

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