Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sub Sandwiches for Momo- A Week's Worth At A Time

I think my son could live on Subway for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well at least $5 each is not an option on this budget. Instead, I take a little time on Sunday afternoons to make a whole week's worth and freeze them at a fraction of the cost.

Sam's Club has a "sub kit" that has a varity of meats in it for less than $8 which makes about 24 sandwiches. I buy sliced cheese there too and then seperate them into zip lock bags in the fridge. I wouldn't recommend freezing sliced cheese because it falls apart, but I do freeze shredded cheese. I buy the sub rolls at HEB for about $2 a dozen. I also keep little cups with lids on hand for sauce. You can get these just about anywhere. My son likes the spicy mayonaise so I fill a week's worth up and keep them in the fridge too. The night before school, he sets a sandwich out to thaw. In the morning, he grabs the sandwich and a cup with the sauce in it. At lunch time he just puts them together. He loves them and it's alot cheaper than buying school lunch or Subway everyday. The cost comes out to be about 65 cents each.

Just put everything in an assembly line, double wrap with celephane and freeze. I don't put any sauce on them before freezing to avoid the "lunch box soggy affect". These don't get soggy at all.


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