Sunday, December 2, 2012

Homecoming Corsage for Squid

Well, just when I thought Homecoming was over, the day before the dance my daughter decides that she is going to the dance with a group of girlfriends. Come to find out she had already bought a dress and everything! After inspection and her agreeing to wear a cover up over the strapless dress, I approved.

Great. Now I had spent so much effort on making sure Momo had a corsage ordered for his girlfriend, the tux, the "limo", and so forth I felt guilty that Squid wasn't going to get the same treatment (although she gave me no warning). It was too late to order a corsage so off to Joann's I went. In the wedding section I found a wrist garter that I turned into the base of a corsage. From there I added artifical roses and ribbons that matched her shoes. I finished in the knick of time and surprised her with it. I actually think this turned out better than the ones we bought that end up dying a few days later. She loved it and now has a keep sake too!



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