Thursday, August 23, 2012

Football Tickets and The Bike Trail

Today was the day to purchase our season tickets for our son's high school football games. We knew we were in trouble when we arrived at 10am to witness little kids carrying blankets and pillows. I realize this is Texas high school football but... there were people that had been camped out all night in the parking lot to get tickets. There were big screens powered by generators playing football movies like Remember The Titans and Friday Night Lights. There were tents! At approximately 2pm it was our turn. Yes- we did get tickets. My sister got tickets. But they sold out right after that. After 4 hours of standing in line I am just glad that I remembered my checkbook!

Now this was also the day that the guys had planned a bicycle ride "as a family". After work my husband and I changed our clothes and headed to the meeting spot. Anxious to begin our family bonding time we got on the trail... At about 8 miles in we were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for surviving to that point. We were on the uphill climb back to the truck when all of a sudden a gust of wind nearly blew us off the trail. We all looked up to realize that it was actually a much more "mature" woman almost 80 years old shouting orders for us to get out of her way! It wasn't long until she was completely out of sight. We got back to the truck, loaded our bikes, and decided that we were going to go eat some dinner..

The only DIY that I have to post today is this one...

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