Saturday, August 18, 2012

Family Tree Wall Hanging

I first recorded each married couple's name, birth date, and death date on pieces of rectangle fabric. After I knew the overall size needed for each set of names, I cut leaves the size needed around the embroidered text.

I  started with a leaf for my husband and I in the center, near bottom. Our 4 children are at the very bottom, then went back 7 generations on each side in order to have a nice size and balance. I drew the tree in around the leaves since they are the main focal points. I filled in space with acorns and smaller leaves. After using my favorite "wonder under" to iron all the pieces in place, I machine appliqued them and added wood grain and other details with the stitches. The overall framed size is 30 1/4" x 40 1/4".

This is one of the very few things that I have made for myself- and kept. It started out as a project to teach my youngest daughter, Sydney about family history and how to create a family heirloom. She helped cut out alot of leaves and acorns, but lost interest when it became real work. It is now on our living room wall for everyone to see.

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