Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asking A Girl To Homecoming with a Brick?

After a lot of encouragement my 16 year old nephew finally got the nerve to ask a girl to Homecoming. But, then he was horrified when she gave him a “verbal” agreement to go to Homecoming with him, and she would wait for his “special way of asking” before her official answer.
Now the pressure really started. The poor kid was a wreck. That’s when his Mom and I had to join the mission. I am happy to say that after a trip to Home Depot, Kroger, and an after-dark knock and drop at her front door, the mission was accomplished…

With the help of Momo’s muscles the boys delivered a big cinder block with the word “NO” glued to it, a small paving brick with the word “YES” glued to it, a bouquet of flowers, and a tub of Rocky Road ice-cream at her door. Attached to the flowers was a note that read,
“On the path to Homecoming… Don’t “block” progress. Hoping your answer will “pave” the way…
Bring your answer to Seminary in the morning."

I received word this morning that she brought the paving brick to him with the word “YES”.

Now for Mum-making lessons. His Homecoming is in 2 weeks!

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