Monday, October 15, 2012

Wedding Invitation Ornament

I couldn't wait to post this one but had to keep it a secret until I gave it as a gift. I wanted to come up with something sentimental and homemade. Its rare when a guy would appreciate it, but I knew Seth would. I am so happy for him and his bride-to-be.

With the wedding invitation he sent me, I sliced it into thin strips, and filled a glass ornament with the pieces. I added a simple design on the outside with glued on crystals and topped it off with ribbons, silver bells, and a charm.

I wrapped it in a nice solid gift box with a lid, and filled it with shredded paper. It will save nicely so it can be brought out and put on the Christmas tree year after year.


Last Mum Of The Season. Best One Yet!

Well the first Mum I started this year ended up to be the last one. After spending all afternoon at the Texas Renaissance Festival this weekend, we ended the day with the big reveal. Momo's girlfriend Samantha loved it. Her Homecoming dance is this Saturday. Can't wait to see the kids all dressed up!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Easy Hair Accessories

A hot glue gun, cute buttons, and some hair pins and you have an easy hair accessory project. My grandaughter and I had some great bonding time this afternoon. I glued and she picked out the buttons she wanted to use. In no time at all we had a brand new batch of hair "pretties" for her to wear.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Life is One "Mum" after Another

Holy Cow! I have had enough of the Texas Homecoming Mums already. Still one more to go for Momo' s girlfriend. Target date October 20th. This is the one that my sister and I worked on for my nephew's date. I swear she had to have gone to the Chiropractor the next day! All turned out well and the dance was a success..